Multivariate Analysis
Mean Vectors and Matrices

Mean vectors, also known as mean value vectors, and mean matrices are fundamental structures in a number of multivariate techniques.

In Stata

/* raw score matrix w/ 2 columns (variables) and 5 rows (observtions or subjects) */

mat X = (3,7\1,5\2,3\5,4\4,6)

mat list X

    c1  c2
r1   3   7
r2   1   5
r3   2   3
r4   5   4
r5   4   6

/* create unit vector */

mat U = J(rowsof(X),1,1)

mat list U

r1   1
r2   1
r3   1
r4   1
r5   1

/* create vector of column (variable) sums */

mat sum = U'*X

mat lis sum

    c1  c2
c1  15  25

/* create vector of column (variable) means */

mat meanvec = sum/rowsof(X)

mat list meanvec

    c1  c2
c1   3   5

/* use unit vector to create matrix of column (variable) means */

mat meanmat = U*meanvec

mat list meanmat

    c1  c2
r1   3   5
r2   3   5
r3   3   5
r4   3   5
r5   3   5
In Mata
/* raw score matrix w/ 2 columns (variables) and 5 rows (observtions) */

X = (3,7\1,5\2,3\5,4\4,6)


       1   2
  1 |  3   7  |
  2 |  1   5  |
  3 |  2   3  |
  4 |  5   4  |
  5 |  4   6  |

/* create vector of column (variable) means */

meanvec = mean(X)


       1   2
  1 |  3   5  |

/* create unit vector */

U = J(rows(X),1,1)


  1 |  1  |
  2 |  1  |
  3 |  1  |
  4 |  1  |
  5 |  1  |

/* use unit vector to create matrix of column (variable) means */

meanmat = U*meanvec


       1   2
  1 |  3   5  |
  2 |  3   5  |
  3 |  3   5  |
  4 |  3   5  |
  5 |  3   5  |
What if you wanted the row (subject) means instead of the column (variable) means. In Mata just use the transpose of the matrix.

rowmean = mean(X')


         1     2     3     4     5
  1 |    5     3   2.5   4.5     5  |

Multivariate Course Page

Phil Ender, 15jul07