Linear Statistical Models: Regression

Regression Analysis in Publications

We quickly become very accustomed to reading and interpreting regression analyses from our computer output. Regression analyses as reported in journals and other publications often look very different. Here are the results of a regression a typical analysis as produced by Stata.

use, clear

regress write female read socst i.prog

      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     200
-------------+------------------------------           F(  5,   194) =   42.68
       Model |  9364.97492     5  1872.99498           Prob > F      =  0.0000
    Residual |  8513.90008   194  43.8860829           R-squared     =  0.5238
-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.5115
       Total |   17878.875   199   89.843593           Root MSE      =  6.6247

       write |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
      female |   4.916003   .9478479     5.19   0.000     3.046593    6.785412
        read |   .3427226    .060063     5.71   0.000     .2242624    .4611829
       socst |   .2685807   .0584637     4.59   0.000     .1532746    .3838868
        prog |
          2  |   .9975073   1.233344     0.81   0.420    -1.434978    3.429992
          3  |  -1.888857   1.389299    -1.36   0.176    -4.628927    .8512127
       _cons |   18.06893   3.068803     5.89   0.000     12.01643    24.12143
Publication tables usually have only the regression coefficient and standard errors along with some fit statistics. In Stata, the estimates table command can be used to create publication type tables. Unfortunately, the star option is not allowed with the standard errors. Below are two examples:
estimates store m1

estimates table m1, stats(N r2 r2_a) b(%6.3f) star

    Variable |     m1      
      female |   4.916***  
        read |   0.343***  
       socst |   0.269***  
        prog |
          2  |   0.998     
          3  |  -1.889     
       _cons |  18.069***  
           N |     200     
          r2 |   0.524     
        r2_a |   0.512     
legend: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001

estimates table m1, stats(N r2 r2_a) se b(%6.3f) se(%6.3f) 

    Variable |   m1     
      female |   4.916  
             |   0.948  
        read |   0.343  
             |   0.060  
       socst |   0.269  
             |   0.058  
        prog |
          2  |   0.998  
             |   1.233  
          3  |  -1.889  
             |   1.389  
       _cons |  18.069  
             |   3.069  
           N |     200  
          r2 |   0.524  
        r2_a |   0.512  
            legend: b/se
Alternatively, you can use the outreg2 command (findit outreg2) to produce an ASCII table of the results. Note: You will usually need to add spaces manually to get the columns to line up correctly.
outreg2, see 

VARIABLES	write	Standard errors in parentheses
                        *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
female     4.916***	
read       0.343***	
socst      0.269***	
2.prog     0.998	
3.prog    -1.889	
Constant  18.07***	
Observations  200	
R-squared	0.524	
Now, let's run a second regression model with interaction and display the results of both analyses in the same table.
regress write female read i.prog##c.socst

      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     200
-------------+------------------------------           F(  7,   192) =   31.84
       Model |  9604.82727     7  1372.11818           Prob > F      =  0.0000
    Residual |  8274.04773   192  43.0939986           R-squared     =  0.5372
-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.5203
       Total |   17878.875   199   89.843593           Root MSE      =  6.5646

       write |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
      female |   4.961672   .9408011     5.27   0.000     3.106039    6.817305
        read |   .3478027   .0599996     5.80   0.000     .2294597    .4661457
        prog |
          2  |   16.75438   6.793211     2.47   0.015     3.355472    30.15328
          3  |    8.74215   6.838349     1.28   0.203    -4.745785    22.23009
       socst |    .475497   .1110706     4.28   0.000     .2564217    .6945723
prog#c.socst |
          2  |   -.300757   .1274851    -2.36   0.019    -.5522081   -.0493059
          3  |   -.210099   .1386112    -1.52   0.131    -.4834953    .0632973
       _cons |   7.321844   5.673858     1.29   0.198    -3.869254    18.51294

estimates store m2

estimates table m1 m2, stats(N r2 r2_a) b(%6.3f) star

    Variable |     m1           m2      
      female |   4.916***     4.962***  
        read |   0.343***     0.348***  
       socst |   0.269***     0.475***  
        prog |
          2  |   0.998       16.754*    
          3  |  -1.889        8.742     
prog#c.socst |
          2  |               -0.301*    
          3  |               -0.210     
       _cons |  18.069***     7.322     
           N |     200          200     
          r2 |   0.524        0.537     
        r2_a |   0.512        0.520     
legend: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001

estimates table m1 m2, stats(N r2 r2_a) se b(%6.3f) se(%6.3f)

    Variable |   m1        m2     
      female |   4.916     4.962  
             |   0.948     0.941  
        read |   0.343     0.348  
             |   0.060     0.060  
       socst |   0.269     0.475  
             |   0.058     0.111  
        prog |
          2  |   0.998    16.754  
             |   1.233     6.793  
          3  |  -1.889     8.742  
             |   1.389     6.838  
prog#c.socst |
          2  |            -0.301  
             |             0.127  
          3  |            -0.210  
             |             0.139  
       _cons |  18.069     7.322  
             |   3.069     5.674  
           N |     200       200  
          r2 |   0.524     0.537  
        r2_a |   0.512     0.520  
                      legend: b/se

outreg2, see
	         (1)       (2)		
VARIABLES	write	  write   Standard errors in parentheses	
                              *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1	
female      4.916***  4.962***		
           (0.948)   (0.941)		
read        0.343***  0.348***		
           (0.0601)  (0.0600)		
2.prog      0.998    16.75**		
           (1.233)   (6.793)		
3.prog     -1.889     8.742		
           (1.389)   (6.838)		
socst       0.269***  0.475***		
           (0.0585)  (0.111)		
2.prog#c.socst       -0.301**		
3.prog#c.socst       -0.210		
Constant    18.07***  7.322		
            (3.069)  (5.674)		
Observations   200	   200		
R-squared	 0.524   0.537		

Linear Statistical Models Course

Phil Ender, 5Jan98