[SAS Program]              
data rsq;
input gpa greq grev mat ar;
3.2 625 540 65 2.7
4.1 575 680 75 4.5
3.0 520 480 65 2.5
2.6 545 520 55 3.1
3.7 520 490 75 3.6
4.0 655 535 65 4.3
4.3 630 720 75 4.6
2.7 500 500 75 3.0
3.6 605 575 65 4.7
4.1 555 690 75 3.4
2.7 505 545 55 3.7
2.9 540 515 55 2.6
2.5 520 520 55 3.1
3.0 585 710 65 2.7
3.3 600 610 85 5.0
3.2 625 540 65 2.7
4.1 575 680 75 4.5
3.0 520 480 65 2.5
2.6 545 520 55 3.1
3.7 520 490 75 3.6
4.0 655 535 65 4.3
4.3 630 720 75 4.6
2.7 500 500 75 3.0
3.6 605 575 65 4.7
4.1 555 690 75 3.4
2.7 505 545 55 3.7
2.9 540 515 55 2.6
2.5 520 520 55 3.1
3.0 585 710 65 2.7
3.3 600 610 85 5.0
proc reg;
  model gpa = greq grev mat ar / selection=stepwise;

[SAS Output]

The SAS System                                08:41 Friday, January 29, 1999   1

Stepwise Procedure for Dependent Variable GPA

Step 1   Variable AR Entered        R-square = 0.38529398   C(p) = 16.74420939

                DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
Regression       1             4.02041421       4.02041421      17.55   0.0003
Error           28             6.41425245       0.22908044
Total           29            10.43466667

                Parameter        Standard          Type II
Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
INTERCEP       1.72944408      0.38804679       4.55022494      19.86   0.0001
AR             0.44408110      0.10600367       4.02041421      17.55   0.0003

Bounds on condition number:            1,            1

Step 2   Variable GREV Entered      R-square = 0.51549156   C(p) =  9.69078781

                DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
Regression       2             5.37898260       2.68949130      14.36   0.0001
Error           27             5.05568407       0.18724756
Total           29            10.43466667

                Parameter        Standard          Type II
Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
INTERCEP       0.49717794      0.57651557       0.13925724       0.74   0.3961
GREV           0.00285138      0.00105858       1.35856839       7.26   0.0120
AR             0.32962504      0.10483495       1.85116176       9.89   0.0040

Bounds on condition number:     1.196581,     4.786325

Step 3   Variable MAT Entered       R-square = 0.57187378   C(p) =  7.77019304

                DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
Regression       3             5.96731222       1.98910407      11.58   0.0001
Error           26             4.46735444       0.17182132
Total           29            10.43466667

                Parameter        Standard          Type II
Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
INTERCEP      -0.14410465      0.65199045       0.00839364       0.05   0.8268
GREV           0.00231735      0.00105430       0.83009542       4.83   0.0371
MAT            0.01881259      0.01016662       0.58832962       3.42   0.0756
AR             0.24217230      0.11098884       0.81802648       4.76   0.0383

Bounds on condition number:     1.491861,     12.74089

Step 4   Variable GREQ Entered      R-square = 0.64047409   C(p) =  5.00000000

                DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
Regression       4             6.68313369       1.67078342      11.13   0.0001
Error           25             3.75153298       0.15006132
Total           29            10.43466667

                Parameter        Standard          Type II
Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
INTERCEP      -1.73810660      0.95073990       0.50153141       3.34   0.0795
GREQ           0.00399829      0.00183065       0.71582146       4.77   0.0385
GREV           0.00152365      0.00105016       0.31588005       2.11   0.1593
MAT            0.02089606      0.00954884       0.71861483       4.79   0.0382
AR             0.14423354      0.11300126       0.24447515       1.63   0.2135

Bounds on condition number:     1.734779,     24.96795

Step 5   Variable AR Removed        R-square = 0.61704497   C(p) =  4.62916834

                DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
Regression       3             6.43865853       2.14621951      13.96   0.0001
Error           26             3.99600813       0.15369262
Total           29            10.43466667

                Parameter        Standard          Type II
Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
INTERCEP      -2.14876987      0.90540557       0.86565831       5.63   0.0253
GREQ           0.00492553      0.00170055       1.28937279       8.39   0.0076
GREV           0.00161220      0.00106047       0.35521639       2.31   0.1405
MAT            0.02611914      0.00873135       1.37533265       8.95   0.0060

Bounds on condition number:     1.463054,     11.94897

All variables left in the model are significant at the 0.1500 level.
No other variable met the 0.1500 significance level for entry into the model.

Summary of Stepwise Procedure for Dependent Variable GPA

       Variable        Number   Partial    Model
Step   Entered Removed     In      R**2     R**2      C(p)          F   Prob>F
   1   AR                   1    0.3853   0.3853   16.7442    17.5502   0.0003
   2   GREV                 2    0.1302   0.5155    9.6908     7.2555   0.0120
   3   MAT                  3    0.0564   0.5719    7.7702     3.4241   0.0756
   4   GREQ                 4    0.0686   0.6405    5.0000     4.7702   0.0385
   5           AR           3    0.0234   0.6170    4.6292     1.6292   0.2135