Title 'Agresti9.4.MULTIPLE.SAS -- analysis of Agresti data Table 9.4';
data agresti2;
input P S Be Ba New;
  P= 'selling price in thousands' S= 'size in thousands'
   Be= 'number bedrooms' Ba= 'number bathrooms' New= 'new-1 or old-0';
 48.5   1.10   3   1   0
 55.0   1.01   3   2   0
 68.0   1.45   3   2   0
137.0   2.40   3   3   0
309.4   3.30   4   3   1
 17.5    .40   1   1   0
 19.6   1.28   3   1   0
 24.5    .74   3   1   0
 34.8    .78   2   1   0
 32.0    .97   3   1   0
 28.0    .84   3   1   0
 49.9   1.08   2   2   0
 59.9    .99   2   1   0
 61.5   1.01   3   2   0
 60.0   1.34   3   2   0
 65.9   1.22   3   1   0
 67.9   1.28   3   2   0
 68.9   1.29   3   2   0
 69.9   1.52   3   2   0
 70.5   1.25   3   2   0
 72.9   1.28   3   2   0
 72.5   1.28   3   1   0
 72.0   1.36   3   2   0
 71.0   1.20   3   2   0
 76.0   1.46   3   2   0
 72.9   1.56   4   2   0
 73.0   1.22   3   2   0
 70.0   1.40   2   2   0
 76.0   1.15   2   2   0
 69.0   1.74   3   2   0
 75.5   1.62   3   2   0
 76.0   1.66   3   2   0
 81.8   1.33   3   2   0
 84.5   1.34   3   2   0
 83.5   1.40   3   2   0
 86.0   1.15   2   2   1
 86.9   1.58   3   2   1
 86.9   1.58   3   2   1
 86.9   1.58   3   2   1
 87.9   1.71   3   2   0
 88.1   2.10   3   2   0
 85.9   1.27   3   2   0
 89.5   1.34   3   2   0
 87.4   1.25   3   2   0
 87.9   1.68   3   2   0
 88.0   1.55   3   2   0
 90.0   1.55   3   2   0
 96.0   1.36   3   2   1
 99.9   1.51   3   2   1
 95.5   1.54   3   2   1
 98.5   1.51   3   2   0
100.1   1.85   3   2   0
 99.9   1.62   4   2   1
101.9   1.40   3   2   1
101.9   1.92   4   2   0
102.3   1.42   3   2   1
110.8   1.56   3   2   1
105.0   1.43   3   2   1
 97.9   2.00   3   2   0
106.3   1.45   3   2   1
106.5   1.65   3   2   0
116.0   1.72   4   2   1
108.0   1.79   4   2   1
107.5   1.85   3   2   0
109.9   2.06   4   2   1
110.0   1.76   4   2   0
120.0   1.62   3   2   1
115.0   1.80   4   2   1
113.4   1.98   3   2   0
114.9   1.57   3   2   0
115.0   2.19   3   2   0
115.0   2.07   4   2   0
117.9   1.99   4   2   0
110.0   1.55   3   2   0
115.0   1.67   3   2   0
124.0   2.40   4   2   0
129.9   1.79   4   2   1
124.0   1.89   3   2   0
128.0   1.88   3   2   1
132.4   2.00   4   2   1
139.3   2.05   4   2   1
139.3   2.00   4   2   1
139.7   2.03   3   2   1
142.0   2.12   3   3   0
141.3   2.08   4   2   1
147.5   2.19   4   2   0
142.5   2.40   4   2   0
148.0   2.40   5   2   0
149.0   3.05   4   2   0
150.0   2.04   3   3   0
172.9   2.25   4   2   1
190.0   2.57   4   3   1
280.0   3.85   4   3   0
proc corr pearson; var S Ba P;
proc chart; hbar S Ba P;
proc reg simple corr;
  model P = S Ba/adjrsq stb tol vif r;
  output out=resid student=sresid;
  plot (P)*(S Ba) (residual.)*(S Ba predicted.)/hplots=2 vplots=2;
proc chart data=resid;
      vbar sresid;
proc univariate plot;
      var sresid;
proc reg;
   model P = S;
   model P = S Ba;
proc reg;
   model P= Ba;
   model P = Ba S;

Correlation Analysis

   3 'VAR' Variables:  S        BA       P       

                             Simple Statistics
Variable                N             Mean          Std Dev              Sum
S                      93         1.649677         0.525261       153.420000
BA                     93         1.956989         0.414781       182.000000
P                      93        99.533333        44.184134      9256.600000

                            Simple Statistics
Variable          Minimum          Maximum     Label
S                0.400000         3.850000     size in thousands         
BA               1.000000         3.000000     number bathrooms          
P               17.500000       309.400000     selling price in thousands

Pearson Correlation Coefficients / Prob > |R| under Ho: Rho=0 / N = 93  

                                           S                BA                 P

S                                    1.00000           0.66248           0.89881
size in thousands                     0.0               0.0001            0.0001

BA                                   0.66248           1.00000           0.71370
number bathrooms                      0.0001            0.0               0.0001

P                                    0.89881           0.71370           1.00000
selling price in thousands            0.0001            0.0001            0.0   

  size in thousands                   Cum.              Cum.
Midpoint                        Freq  Freq  Percent  Percent
0.5   |*                           2     2     2.15     2.15
1.0   |*******                    13    15    13.98    16.13
1.5   |***********************    45    60    48.39    64.52
2.0   |************               24    84    25.81    90.32
2.5   |***                         6    90     6.45    96.77
3.0   |*                           1    91     1.08    97.85
3.5   |*                           1    92     1.08    98.92
4.0   |*                           1    93     1.08   100.00
           10   20   30   40


 number bathrooms                                     Cum.              Cum.
Midpoint                                        Freq  Freq  Percent  Percent
0.9   |*****                                      10    10    10.75    10.75
1.2   |                                            0    10     0.00    10.75
1.5   |                                            0    10     0.00    10.75
1.8   |                                            0    10     0.00    10.75
2.1   |***************************************    77    87    82.80    93.55
2.4   |                                            0    87     0.00    93.55
2.7   |                                            0    87     0.00    93.55
3.0   |***                                         6    93     6.45   100.00
           10   20   30   40   50   60   70


  selling price in thousands                             Cum.              Cum.
Midpoint                                           Freq  Freq  Percent  Percent
 20   |******                                         6     6     6.45     6.45
 60   |************************                      24    30    25.81    32.26
100   |******************************************    42    72    45.16    77.42
140   |*****************                             17    89    18.28    95.70
180   |**                                             2    91     2.15    97.85
220   |                                               0    91     0.00    97.85
260   |                                               0    91     0.00    97.85
300   |**                                             2    93     2.15   100.00
           5    10   15   20   25   30   35   40


Descriptive Statistics

Variables                Sum               Mean
INTERCEP                  93                  1     Intercept                 
S                     153.42       1.6496774194     size in thousands         
BA                       182       1.9569892473     number bathrooms          
P                     9256.6       99.533333333     selling price in thousands

Variables     Uncorrected SS           Variance
INTERCEP                  93                  0     Intercept                 
S                   278.4762       0.2758988079     size in thousands         
BA                       372       0.1720430108     number bathrooms          
P                 1100946.12       1952.2376812     selling price in thousands

Variables      Std Deviation
INTERCEP                   0     Intercept                 
S               0.5252607047     size in thousands         
BA              0.4147806779     number bathrooms          
P               44.184133817     selling price in thousands


CORR              S             BA              P

S            1.0000         0.6625         0.8988   size in thousands         
BA           0.6625         1.0000         0.7137   number bathrooms          
P            0.8988         0.7137         1.0000   selling price in thousands

Model: MODEL1  
Dependent Variable: P          selling price in thousands              

Analysis of Variance
                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
Model            2 149573.05812  74786.52906      224.114       0.0001
Error           90  30032.80854    333.69787
C Total         92 179605.86667

    Root MSE      18.26740     R-square       0.8328
    Dep Mean      99.53333     Adj R-sq       0.8291
    C.V.          18.35305

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:               
Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
INTERCEP   1    -49.751639    9.18328432        -5.418        0.0001
S          1     63.863149    4.84040129        13.194        0.0001
BA         1     22.448451    6.12967943         3.662        0.0004

              Standardized                    Variance
Variable  DF      Estimate     Tolerance     Inflation
INTERCEP   1    0.00000000     .            0.00000000
S          1    0.75920471    0.56111652    1.78216105
BA         1    0.21073591    0.56111652    1.78216105

Variable  DF     Label
INTERCEP   1  Intercept                               
S          1  size in thousands                       
BA         1  number bathrooms                        

        Dep Var   Predict   Std Err             Std Err   Student
  Obs      P        Value   Predict  Residual  Residual  Residual
    1   48.5000   42.9463     4.939    5.5537    17.587     0.316
    2   55.0000   59.6470     3.785   -4.6470    17.871    -0.260
    3   68.0000   87.7468     2.220  -19.7468    18.132    -1.089
    4     137.0     170.9     5.185  -33.8653    17.516    -1.933
    5     309.4     228.3     6.372   81.0579    17.120     4.735
    6   17.5000   -1.7579     5.251   19.2579    17.496     1.101
    7   19.6000   54.4416     5.224  -34.8416    17.504    -1.990
    8   24.5000   19.9555     4.813    4.5445    17.622     0.258
    9   34.8000   22.5101     4.796   12.2899    17.627     0.697
   10   32.0000   34.6441     4.822   -2.6441    17.619    -0.150
   11   28.0000   26.3419     4.785    1.6581    17.630     0.094
   12   49.9000   64.1175     3.496  -14.2175    17.930    -0.793
   13   59.9000   35.9213     4.835   23.9787    17.616     1.361
   14   61.5000   59.6470     3.785    1.8530    17.871     0.104
   15   60.0000   80.7219     2.535  -20.7219    18.091    -1.145
   16   65.9000   50.6099     5.115   15.2901    17.537     0.872
   17   67.9000   76.8901     2.736   -8.9901    18.061    -0.498
   18   68.9000   77.5287     2.701   -8.6287    18.067    -0.478
   19   69.9000   92.2172     2.067  -22.3172    18.150    -1.230
   20   70.5000   74.9742     2.842   -4.4742    18.045    -0.248
   21   72.9000   76.8901     2.736   -3.9901    18.061    -0.221
   22   72.5000   54.4416     5.224   18.0584    17.504     1.032
   23   72.0000   81.9991     2.473   -9.9991    18.099    -0.552
   24   71.0000   71.7810     3.026   -0.7810    18.015    -0.043
   25   76.0000   88.3855     2.196  -12.3855    18.135    -0.683
   26   72.9000   94.7718     1.999  -21.8718    18.158    -1.205
   27   73.0000   73.0583     2.951   -0.0583    18.027    -0.003
   28   70.0000   84.5537     2.354  -14.5537    18.115    -0.803
   29   76.0000   68.5879     3.218    7.4121    17.982     0.412
   30   69.0000     106.3     1.923  -37.2671    18.166    -2.051
   31   75.5000   98.6036     1.931  -23.1036    18.165    -1.272
   32   76.0000     101.2     1.909  -25.1581    18.167    -1.385
   33   81.8000   80.0833     2.568    1.7167    18.086     0.095
   34   84.5000   80.7219     2.535    3.7781    18.091     0.209
   35   83.5000   84.5537     2.354   -1.0537    18.115    -0.058
   36   86.0000   68.5879     3.218   17.4121    17.982     0.968
   37   86.9000   96.0490     1.972   -9.1490    18.161    -0.504
   38   86.9000   96.0490     1.972   -9.1490    18.161    -0.504
   39   86.9000   96.0490     1.972   -9.1490    18.161    -0.504
   40   87.9000     104.4     1.908  -16.4512    18.167    -0.906
   41   88.1000     129.3     2.765  -41.1579    18.057    -2.279
   42   85.9000   76.2515     2.771    9.6485    18.056     0.534
   43   89.5000   80.7219     2.535    8.7781    18.091     0.485
   44   87.4000   74.9742     2.842   12.4258    18.045     0.689
   45   87.9000     102.4     1.905  -14.5354    18.168    -0.800
   46   88.0000   94.1331     2.015   -6.1331    18.156    -0.338
   47   90.0000   94.1331     2.015   -4.1331    18.156    -0.228
   48   96.0000   81.9991     2.473   14.0009    18.099     0.774
   49   99.9000   91.5786     2.086    8.3214    18.148     0.459
   50   95.5000   93.4945     2.031    2.0055    18.154     0.110
   51   98.5000   91.5786     2.086    6.9214    18.148     0.381
   52     100.1     113.3     2.064  -13.1921    18.150    -0.727
   53   99.9000   98.6036     1.931    1.2964    18.165     0.071
   54     101.9   84.5537     2.354   17.3463    18.115     0.958
   55     101.9     117.8     2.216  -15.8625    18.132    -0.875
   56     102.3   85.8309     2.298   16.4691    18.122     0.909
   57     110.8   94.7718     1.999   16.0282    18.158     0.883
   58     105.0   86.4696     2.272   18.5304    18.126     1.022
   59   97.9000     122.9     2.437  -24.9716    18.104    -1.379
   60     106.3   87.7468     2.220   18.5532    18.132     1.023
   61     106.5     100.5     1.912    5.9805    18.167     0.329
   62     116.0     105.0     1.912   11.0101    18.167     0.606
   63     108.0     109.5     1.970   -1.4603    18.161    -0.080
   64     107.5     113.3     2.064   -5.7921    18.150    -0.319
   65     109.9     126.7     2.628  -16.8034    18.077    -0.930
   66     110.0     107.5     1.938    2.4556    18.164     0.135
   67     120.0   98.6036     1.931   21.3964    18.165     1.178
   68     115.0     110.1     1.983    4.9011    18.159     0.270
   69     113.4     121.6     2.378   -8.1943    18.112    -0.452
   70     114.9   95.4104     1.985   19.4896    18.159     1.073
   71     115.0     135.0     3.096  -20.0056    18.003    -1.111
   72     115.0     127.3     2.662  -12.3420    18.072    -0.683
   73     117.9     122.2     2.407   -4.3329    18.108    -0.239
   74     110.0   94.1331     2.015   15.8669    18.156     0.874
   75     115.0     101.8     1.906   13.2033    18.168     0.727
   76     124.0     148.4     3.947  -24.4168    17.836    -1.369
   77     129.9     109.5     1.970   20.4397    18.161     1.125
   78     124.0     115.8     2.146    8.1534    18.141     0.449
   79     128.0     115.2     2.124   12.7920    18.144     0.705
   80     132.4     122.9     2.437    9.5284    18.104     0.526
   81     139.3     126.1     2.595   13.2353    18.082     0.732
   82     139.3     122.9     2.437   16.4284    18.104     0.907
   83     139.7     124.8     2.531   14.9125    18.091     0.824
   84     142.0     153.0     5.510  -10.9836    17.417    -0.631
   85     141.3     128.0     2.696   13.3194    18.067     0.737
   86     147.5     135.0     3.096   12.4944    18.003     0.694
   87     142.5     148.4     3.947   -5.9168    17.836    -0.332
   88     148.0     148.4     3.947   -0.4168    17.836    -0.023
   89     149.0     189.9     6.873  -40.9279    16.925    -2.418
   90     150.0     147.9     5.659    2.1255    17.369     0.122
   91     172.9     138.8     3.330   34.0627    17.961     1.896
   92     190.0     181.7     5.155    8.2780    17.525     0.472
   93     280.0     263.5     8.227   16.5332    16.310     1.014

  Obs    -2-1-0 1 2            D
    1  |      |      |     0.003
    2  |      |      |     0.001
    3  |    **|      |     0.006
    4  |   ***|      |     0.109
    5  |      |******|     1.035
    6  |      |**    |     0.036
    7  |   ***|      |     0.118
    8  |      |      |     0.002
    9  |      |*     |     0.012
   10  |      |      |     0.001
   11  |      |      |     0.000
   12  |     *|      |     0.008
   13  |      |**    |     0.047
   14  |      |      |     0.000
   15  |    **|      |     0.009
   16  |      |*     |     0.022
   17  |      |      |     0.002
   18  |      |      |     0.002
   19  |    **|      |     0.007
   20  |      |      |     0.001
   21  |      |      |     0.000
   22  |      |**    |     0.032
   23  |     *|      |     0.002
   24  |      |      |     0.000
   25  |     *|      |     0.002
   26  |    **|      |     0.006
   27  |      |      |     0.000
   28  |     *|      |     0.004
   29  |      |      |     0.002
   30  |  ****|      |     0.016
   31  |    **|      |     0.006
   32  |    **|      |     0.007
   33  |      |      |     0.000
   34  |      |      |     0.000
   35  |      |      |     0.000
   36  |      |*     |     0.010
   37  |     *|      |     0.001
   38  |     *|      |     0.001
   39  |     *|      |     0.001
   40  |     *|      |     0.003
   41  |  ****|      |     0.041
   42  |      |*     |     0.002
   43  |      |      |     0.002
   44  |      |*     |     0.004
   45  |     *|      |     0.002
   46  |      |      |     0.000
   47  |      |      |     0.000
   48  |      |*     |     0.004
   49  |      |      |     0.001
   50  |      |      |     0.000
   51  |      |      |     0.001
   52  |     *|      |     0.002
   53  |      |      |     0.000
   54  |      |*     |     0.005
   55  |     *|      |     0.004
   56  |      |*     |     0.004
   57  |      |*     |     0.003
   58  |      |**    |     0.005
   59  |    **|      |     0.011
   60  |      |**    |     0.005
   61  |      |      |     0.000
   62  |      |*     |     0.001
   63  |      |      |     0.000
   64  |      |      |     0.000
   65  |     *|      |     0.006
   66  |      |      |     0.000
   67  |      |**    |     0.005
   68  |      |      |     0.000
   69  |      |      |     0.001
   70  |      |**    |     0.005
   71  |    **|      |     0.012
   72  |     *|      |     0.003
   73  |      |      |     0.000
   74  |      |*     |     0.003
   75  |      |*     |     0.002
   76  |    **|      |     0.031
   77  |      |**    |     0.005
   78  |      |      |     0.001
   79  |      |*     |     0.002
   80  |      |*     |     0.002
   81  |      |*     |     0.004
   82  |      |*     |     0.005
   83  |      |*     |     0.004
   84  |     *|      |     0.013
   85  |      |*     |     0.004
   86  |      |*     |     0.005
   87  |      |      |     0.002
   88  |      |      |     0.000
   89  |  ****|      |     0.321
   90  |      |      |     0.001
   91  |      |***   |     0.041
   92  |      |      |     0.006
   93  |      |**    |     0.087

Sum of Residuals                      0
Sum of Squared Residuals     30032.8085
Predicted Resid SS (Press)   34174.5048

      --+------+------+------+------+--       --+------+------+------+------+--
      |                               |       |                               |
  400 +                               +   400 +                               +
      |                               |       |                               |
      |                               |       |                               |
      |                               |       |                               |
      |                               |       |                               |
  300 +                        1      +   300 +                             1 +
P     |                            1  | P     |                             1 |
      |                               |       |                               |
      |                               |       |                               |
      |                               |       |                               |
  200 +                   1           +   200 +                             1 +
      |                 1             |       |               1               |
      |               1               |       |                             1 |
      |               43 3   1        |       |               9             2 |
      |            43431 1            |       |               *               |
  100 +           55142               +   100 +               *               +
      |         39463  1              |       | 1             *               |
      |        3 4111                 |       | 2             8               |
      |      1 12                     |       | 3             1               |
      |    1 11  1                    |       | 4                             |
    0 +                               +     0 +                               +
      |                               |       |                               |
      --+------+------+------+------+--       --+------+------+------+------+--
        0      1      2      3      4          1.0    1.5    2.0    2.5    3.0
                  S                                       BA
      --+------+------+------+------+--       --+------+------+------+------+--
      |                               |       |                               |
  100 +                               +   100 +                               +
      |                               |       |                               |
      |                               |       |                               |
      |                        1      |       |                             1 |
      |                               |       |                               |
      |                               |       |                               |
R     |                               | R     |                               |
E  50 +                               + E  50 +                               +
S     |                               | S     |                               |
I     |                 1             | I     |               1               |
D     |                               | D     |                               |
U     |    1   1 122 1                | U     | 3             5               |
A     |      1  12322132           1  | A     | 2             *             1 |
L     |      1  23 2121   1           | L     | 2             *             1 |
    0 +       121212111  1            +     0 + 2             *             1 +
      |        1 415 12  1            |       |               *               |
      |         1 2 2221              |       |               9             1 |
      |          113  11 1            |       |               8               |
      |             1                 |       |               1               |
      |          1  1    1            |       | 1             1             1 |
      |                1     1        |       |               2               |
  -50 +                               +   -50 +                               +
      --+------+------+------+------+--       --+------+------+------+------+--
        0      1      2      3      4          1.0    1.5    2.0    2.5    3.0
                  S                                       BA

      |                               |
  100 +                               +
      |                               |
      |                               |
      |                       1       |
      |                               |
      |                               |
R     |                               |
E  50 +                               +
S     |                               |
I     |              1                |
D     |                               |
U     |1   11   221                   |
A     |  1  1 2232 321           1    |
L     |  1 1  132112     1            |
    0 +   2  122112   2               +
      |      1142312  1               |
      |      1 112112 1               |
      |        131 1 11               |
      |          1                    |
      |     1     1     1             |
      |             1     1           |
  -50 +                               +
       0   50   100  150  200  250 300


   |                               *****                                        
   |                               *****                                        
35 +                               *****                                        
   |                               *****                                        
   |                               *****                                        
   |                               *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
30 +                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
25 +                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
20 +                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
15 +                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
   |                      *****    *****                                        
   |             *****    *****    *****                                        
10 +             *****    *****    *****    *****                               
   |             *****    *****    *****    *****                               
   |             *****    *****    *****    *****                               
   |             *****    *****    *****    *****                               
   |             *****    *****    *****    *****                               
 5 +             *****    *****    *****    *****                               
   |             *****    *****    *****    *****                               
   |    *****    *****    *****    *****    *****                               
   |    *****    *****    *****    *****    *****                               
   |    *****    *****    *****    *****    *****                      *****    
         -2.5     -1.5     -0.5     0.5      1.5      2.5      3.5      4.5

                                Studentized Residual

Univariate Procedure

Variable=SRESID        Studentized Residual


 N                93  Sum Wgts         93
 Mean       0.002445  Sum        0.227406
 Std Dev    1.020772  Variance   1.041976
 Skewness   0.639554  Kurtosis   4.088028
 USS        95.86236  CSS         95.8618
 CV         41745.49  Std Mean   0.105849
 T:Mean=0   0.023101  Pr>|T|       0.9816
 Num ^= 0         93  Num > 0          48
 M(Sign)         1.5  Pr>=|M|      0.8358
 Sgn Rank       29.5  Pr>=|S|      0.9107


 100% Max  4.734716       99%  4.734716
  75% Q3   0.705047       95%  1.125482
  50% Med  0.094055       90%  1.022334
  25% Q1   -0.63064       10%  -1.22959
   0% Min  -2.41815        5%  -1.93339
                           1%  -2.41815
 Range     7.152867                    
 Q3-Q1     1.335687                    
 Mode      -0.50378                    


    Lowest    Obs     Highest    Obs
  -2.41815(      89) 1.125482(      77)
  -2.27935(      41)  1.17789(      67)
  -2.05148(      30) 1.361192(      13)
  -1.99045(       7) 1.896437(      91)
  -1.93339(       4) 4.734716(       5)

Univariate Procedure

Variable=SRESID        Studentized Residual

   Stem Leaf                     #  Boxplot
      4 7                        1     *   
      1 9                        1     |   
      1 00000011124             11     |   
      0 55555677777778899999    20  +-----+
      0 111111123333444         15  *--+--*
     -0 33332222211000          14  |     |
     -0 99988877766555555       17  +-----+
     -1 444322111                9     |   
     -1 9                        1     |   
     -2 4310                     4     |   

                       Normal Probability Plot              
    4.75+                                                  *
        |                                                  +
        |                                             +++++ 
        |                                        +++++ *    
    1.25+                                   ++***** **      
        |                              ********             
        |                         *****                     
        |                    *****                          
        |               *****+                              
        |         ******+                                   
        |      +*+*+                                        
             -2        -1         0        +1        +2     

Model: MODEL1  
Dependent Variable: P          selling price in thousands              

Analysis of Variance
                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
Model            1 145097.46423 145097.46423      382.628       0.0001
Error           91  34508.40244    379.21321
C Total         92 179605.86667

    Root MSE      19.47340     R-square       0.8079
    Dep Mean      99.53333     Adj R-sq       0.8058
    C.V.          19.56470

Parameter Estimates
                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:               
Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
INTERCEP   1    -25.193563    6.68844982        -3.767        0.0003
S          1     75.606840    3.86520832        19.561        0.0001

Variable  DF     Label
INTERCEP   1  Intercept                               
S          1  size in thousands                       

Model: MODEL2  
Dependent Variable: P          selling price in thousands              

Analysis of Variance
                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
Model            2 149573.05812  74786.52906      224.114       0.0001
Error           90  30032.80854    333.69787
C Total         92 179605.86667

    Root MSE      18.26740     R-square       0.8328
    Dep Mean      99.53333     Adj R-sq       0.8291
    C.V.          18.35305

Parameter Estimates
                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:               
Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
INTERCEP   1    -49.751639    9.18328432        -5.418        0.0001
S          1     63.863149    4.84040129        13.194        0.0001
BA         1     22.448451    6.12967943         3.662        0.0004

Variable  DF     Label
INTERCEP   1  Intercept                               
S          1  size in thousands                       
BA         1  number bathrooms                        

Model: MODEL1  
Dependent Variable: P          selling price in thousands              

Analysis of Variance
                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
Model            1  91484.39764  91484.39764       94.473       0.0001
Error           91  88121.46902    968.36779
C Total         92 179605.86667

    Root MSE      31.11861     R-square       0.5094
    Dep Mean      99.53333     Adj R-sq       0.5040
    C.V.          31.26451

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:               
Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
INTERCEP   1    -49.248370   15.64363711        -3.148        0.0022
BA         1     76.025815    7.82181856         9.720        0.0001

Variable  DF     Label
INTERCEP   1  Intercept                               
BA         1  number bathrooms                        

Model: MODEL2  
Dependent Variable: P          selling price in thousands              

Analysis of Variance
                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
Model            2 149573.05812  74786.52906      224.114       0.0001
Error           90  30032.80854    333.69787
C Total         92 179605.86667

    Root MSE      18.26740     R-square       0.8328
    Dep Mean      99.53333     Adj R-sq       0.8291
    C.V.          18.35305

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:               
Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
INTERCEP   1    -49.751639    9.18328432        -5.418        0.0001
BA         1     22.448451    6.12967943         3.662        0.0004
S          1     63.863149    4.84040129        13.194        0.0001

Variable  DF     Label
INTERCEP   1  Intercept                               
BA         1  number bathrooms                        
S          1  size in thousands