Title 'Multiple Regression Example'.
Data list fixed records=1
	/1 gpa 1-3 greq 5-7 grev 9-11 mat 13-14 ar 16-18.
begin data
3.2 625 540 65 2.7
4.1 575 680 75 4.5
3.0 520 480 65 2.5
2.6 545 520 55 3.1
3.7 520 490 75 3.6
4.0 655 535 65 4.3
4.3 630 720 75 4.6
2.7 500 500 75 3.0
3.6 605 575 65 4.7
4.1 555 690 75 3.4
2.7 505 545 55 3.7
2.9 540 515 55 2.6
2.5 520 520 55 3.1
3.0 585 710 65 2.7
3.3 600 610 85 5.0
3.2 625 540 65 2.7
4.1 575 680 75 4.5
3.0 520 480 65 2.5
2.6 545 520 55 3.1
3.7 520 490 75 3.6
4.0 655 535 65 4.3
4.3 630 720 75 4.6
2.7 500 500 75 3.0
3.6 605 575 65 4.7
4.1 555 690 75 3.4
2.7 505 545 55 3.7
2.9 540 515 55 2.6
2.5 520 520 55 3.1
3.0 585 710 65 2.7
3.3 600 610 85 5.0
end data.
set highres=off.
Regression variables=gpa,greq,grev,mat,ar
	/dependent= gpa
	/scatterplot=(gpa,greq) (gpa,grev) (gpa,mat) (gpa,ar) (*sresid,*pred)
 	(*sresid,greq)(*sresid,grev) (*sresid,mat) (*sresid,ar).


22 Dec 99   Multiple Regression Example                                                                                       Page 2
16:43:19    UCLA OAC                       IBM RS6000       AIX 3.2.5/4.

                                     * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Listwise Deletion of Missing Data

             Mean  Std Dev  Label

GPA         3.313     .600
GREQ      565.333   48.618
GREV      575.333   83.034
MAT        67.000    9.248
AR          3.567     .838

N of Cases =    30


                GPA       GREQ       GREV        MAT         AR

GPA           1.000       .611       .581       .604       .621
GREQ           .611      1.000       .468       .267       .508
GREV           .581       .468      1.000       .426       .405
MAT            .604       .267       .426      1.000       .525
AR             .621       .508       .405       .525      1.000

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16:43:19    UCLA OAC                       IBM RS6000       AIX 3.2.5/4.

                                     * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Equation Number 1    Dependent Variable..   GPA

  Descriptive Statistics are printed on Page    2

Block Number  1.  Method:  Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number  1..    AR
                                    2..    GREV
                                    3..    MAT
                                    4..    GREQ

Multiple R           .80030                                             Analysis of Variance
R Square             .64047          R Square Change    .64047                              DF      Sum of Squares      Mean Square
Adjusted R Square    .58295          F Change         11.13400          Regression           4             6.68313          1.67078
Standard Error       .38738          Signif F Change    .0000           Residual            25             3.75153           .15006

                                                                        F =      11.13400       Signif F =  .0000

------------------------------------------ Variables in the Equation ------------------------------------------

Variable              B        SE B     95% Confdnce Intrvl B       Beta  Tolerance        VIF         T  Sig T

GREQ            .003998     .001831  2.27987E-04      .007769    .324062    .653236      1.531     2.184  .0385
GREV            .001524     .001050 -6.39208E-04      .003687    .210912    .680518      1.469     1.451  .1593
MAT             .020896     .009549      .001230      .040562    .322145    .663614      1.507     2.188  .0382
AR              .144234     .113001     -.088497      .376964    .201604    .576442      1.735     1.276  .2135
(Constant)    -1.738107     .950740    -3.696192      .219979                                     -1.828  .0795

End Block Number   1   All requested variables entered.

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16:43:19    UCLA OAC                       IBM RS6000       AIX 3.2.5/4.

                                     * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Equation Number 1    Dependent Variable..   GPA

                                                       Summary table

Step   MultR     Rsq  AdjRsq    F(Eqn)  SigF   RsqCh       FCh SigCh       Variable  BetaIn  Correl
   1                                                                  In:  AR         .6207   .6207
   2                                                                  In:  GREV       .3947   .5815
   3                                                                  In:  MAT        .2900   .6042
   4   .8003   .6405   .5829    11.134  .000   .6405    11.134  .000  In:  GREQ       .3241   .6111

>Note # 12650
>No outliers found.  No casewise plot produced.

                                     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Residuals Statistics:

              Min      Max     Mean  Std Dev   N

*PRED      2.7297   4.1085   3.3133    .4801  30
*ZPRED    -1.2157   1.6564    .0000   1.0000  30
*SEPRED     .1184    .1928    .1563    .0246  30
*ADJPRED   2.7105   4.2868   3.3212    .4925  30
*RESID     -.7876    .5260    .0000    .3597  30
*ZRESID   -2.0332   1.3578    .0000    .9285  30
*SRESID   -2.2758   1.4777   -.0092   1.0275  30
*DRESID    -.9868    .6230   -.0079    .4410  30
*SDRESID  -2.5042   1.5156   -.0209   1.0693  30
*MAHAL     1.7438   6.2196   3.8667   1.5001  30
*COOK D     .0000    .2619    .0465    .0673  30
*LEVER      .0601    .2145    .1333    .0517  30

Total Cases =       30

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16:43:19    UCLA OAC                       IBM RS6000       AIX 3.2.5/4.

Outliers - Standardized Residual

  Case #       *ZRESID

      30      -2.03322
      15      -2.03322
      20       1.35776
       5       1.35776
      25       1.31691
      10       1.31691
      29      -1.11095
      14      -1.11095
      21        .84060
       6        .84060

                                     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Histogram - Standardized Residual

 N Exp N      (* = 1 Cases,    . : = Normal Curve)
 0   .02   Out
 0   .05  3.00
 0   .12  2.67
 0   .27  2.33
 0   .55  2.00 .
 0  1.00  1.67 .
 4  1.65  1.33 *:**
 2  2.42  1.00 *:
 4  3.19   .67 **:*
 4  3.76   .33 ***:
 2  3.97   .00 ** .
 4  3.76  -.33 ***:
 6  3.19  -.67 **:***
 2  2.42 -1.00 *:
 0  1.65 -1.33  .
 0  1.00 -1.67 .
 2   .55 -2.00 :*
 0   .27 -2.33
 0   .12 -2.67
 0   .05 -3.00
 0   .02   Out

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16:43:19    UCLA OAC                       IBM RS6000       AIX 3.2.5/4.

Normal Probability (P-P) Plot
Standardized Residual
  1.0  +---------+---------+---------+---------.
       |                                     . |
       |                                  *.***|
       |                                 .     |
       |                               .**     |
   .75 +                             **        +
       |                        ***.*          |
 E     |                     **  .             |
 x     |                       .               |
 p     |                     .                 |
 e .5  +                  *.*                  +
 c     |                 .                     |
 t     |               .**                     |
 e     |             **                        |
 d     |        ***.*                          |
   .25 +         .                             +
       |     **.                               |
       |  * *.                                 |
       |   .                                   |
       | .                                     |
       +**-------+---------+---------+---------+ Observed
               .25        .5       .75       1.0

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16:43:19    UCLA OAC                       IBM RS6000       AIX 3.2.5/4.

Standardized Scatterplot                                         Standardized Scatterplot
Across - GREQ       Down - GPA                                   Across - GREV       Down - GPA
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++                      Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
  3 +                                     +   Symbols:             3 +                                     +   Symbols:
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
    |                                     |      Max N               |                                     |      Max N
  2 +                                     +                        2 +                                     +
    |                          :          |   .      1.0             |                            :        |   .      1.0
    |                 : :                 |   :      2.0             |                          *          |   :      2.0
  1 +                             :       +                        1 +               :                     +   *      4.0
    |            :                        |                          |            :                        |
    |                       :             |                          |                  :                  |
  0 +                      :              +                        0 +                     :               +
    |                         :           |                          |               :                     |
    |            :  :    :                |                          |           :  :             :        |
 -1 +          ::                         +                       -1 +             :  :                    +
    |            :  :                     |                          |              *                      |
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
 -2 +                                     +                       -2 +                                     +
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
 -3 +                                     +                       -3 +                                     +
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++                      Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
    -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out                       -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out

Standardized Scatterplot                                         Standardized Scatterplot
Across - MAT        Down - GPA                                   Across - AR         Down - GPA
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++                      Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
  3 +                                     +   Symbols:             3 +                                     +   Symbols:
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
    |                                     |      Max N               |                                     |      Max N
  2 +                                     +                        2 +                                     +
    |                       :             |   .      1.0             |                         :           |   .      1.0
    |                       *             |   :      2.0             |                 :       :           |   :      2.0
  1 +                 :                   +   *      4.0           1 +                       :             +   *      4.0
    |                       :             |                          |                  :                  |
    |                 :                   |                          |                          :          |
  0 +                              :      +                        0 +                            :        +
    |                 :                   |                          |            :                        |
    |          :      *                   |                          |          :::                        |
 -1 +          :            :             +                       -1 +              :    :                 +
    |          *                          |                          |               *                     |
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
 -2 +                                     +                       -2 +                                     +
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
 -3 +                                     +                       -3 +                                     +
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++                      Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
    -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out                       -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out

22 Dec 99   Multiple Regression Example                                                                                       Page 8
16:43:19    UCLA OAC                       IBM RS6000       AIX 3.2.5/4.

Standardized Scatterplot                                         Standardized Scatterplot
Across - *PRED      Down - *SRESID                               Across - GREQ       Down - *SRESID
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++                      Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
  3 +                                     +   Symbols:             3 +                                     +   Symbols:
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
    |                                     |      Max N               |                                     |      Max N
  2 +                                     +                        2 +                                     +
    |                                     |   .      1.0             |                                     |   .      1.0
    |                :    :               |   :      2.0             |            :    :                   |   :      2.0
  1 +                       :             +                        1 +                             :       +
    |           :            :   :        |                          |            :      :      :          |
    |           :                         |                          |               :                     |
  0 +                     :               +                        0 +                       :             +
    |            :     :                  |                          |           :             :           |
    |           ::                        |                          |            :  :                     |
 -1 +              :                      +                       -1 +          :                          +
    |                   :                 |                          |                    :                |
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
 -2 +                                     +                       -2 +                                     +
    |                            :        |                          |                      :              |
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
 -3 +                                     +                       -3 +                                     +
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++                      Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
    -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out                       -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out

Standardized Scatterplot                                         Standardized Scatterplot
Across - GREV       Down - *SRESID                               Across - MAT        Down - *SRESID
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++                      Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
  3 +                                     +   Symbols:             3 +                                     +   Symbols:
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
    |                                     |      Max N               |                                     |      Max N
  2 +                                     +                        2 +                                     +
    |                                     |   .      1.0             |                                     |   .      1.0
    |            :             :          |   :      2.0             |                       *             |   :      2.0
  1 +               :                     +   *      4.0           1 +                 :                   +   *      4.0
    |           :              : :        |                          |                 :     *             |
    |              :                      |                          |          :                          |
  0 +                  :                  +                        0 +                 :                   +
    |               ::                    |                          |          :      :                   |
    |              *                      |                          |          *                          |
 -1 +             :                       +                       -1 +                       :             +
    |                            :        |                          |                 :                   |
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
 -2 +                                     +                       -2 +                                     +
    |                     :               |                          |                              :      |
    |                                     |                          |                                     |
 -3 +                                     +                       -3 +                                     +
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++                      Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
    -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out                       -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out

22 Dec 99   Multiple Regression Example                                                                                       Page 9
16:43:19    UCLA OAC                       IBM RS6000       AIX 3.2.5/4.

Standardized Scatterplot
Across - AR         Down - *SRESID
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
  3 +                                     +   Symbols:
    |                                     |
    |                                     |      Max N
  2 +                                     +
    |                                     |   .      1.0
    |                 ::                  |   :      2.0
  1 +                       :             +   *      4.0
    |          :              *           |
    |           :                         |
  0 +                          :          +
    |            :      :                 |
    |               *                     |
 -1 +              :                      +
    |            :                        |
    |                                     |
 -2 +                                     +
    |                            :        |
    |                                     |
 -3 +                                     +
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
    -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out

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Preceding task required .08 seconds CPU time;  .09 seconds elapsed.

  48  0

    47 command lines read.
     0 errors detected.
     0 warnings issued.
     0 seconds CPU time.
     0 seconds elapsed time.
       End of job.