data dummy;
input group y;
if group=1 then x1=1;
if group ne 1 then x1=0;
if group=2 then x2=1;
if group ne 2 then x2=0;
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 7
1 8
2 7
2 8
2 9
2 10
2 11
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 4
3 5
proc reg;
	model y=x1 x2 / adjrsq stb;

The SAS System                            19:12 Wednesday, December 22, 1999   1

Model: MODEL1  
Dependent Variable: Y                                                  

Analysis of Variance

                         Sum of         Mean
Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

Model            2     90.00000     45.00000       18.000       0.0002
Error           12     30.00000      2.50000
C Total         14    120.00000

    Root MSE       1.58114     R-square       0.7500
    Dep Mean       6.00000     Adj R-sq       0.7083
    C.V.          26.35231

Parameter Estimates

                 Parameter      Standard    T for H0:               
Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|

INTERCEP   1      3.000000    0.70710678         4.243        0.0011
X1         1      3.000000    1.00000000         3.000        0.0111
X2         1      6.000000    1.00000000         6.000        0.0001

Variable  DF      Estimate

INTERCEP   1    0.00000000
X1         1    0.50000000
X2         1    1.00000000