
Linear Statistical Models

Randomized Block Conceptual Example

The purpose of this unit is to demonstrate the importance of taking the subject variable into account in randomized block or repeated measures type designs. We have two examples of RB-3 designs. In the first example, the dependent variable is y and in the second the dependent variable is z. The means of the three groups, in each example, are exactly the same. In fact, the scores for y and z are identical, they are merely ordered differently within each group by being associated with different subjects.

use http://philender.com/courses/data/rbconex, clear


Contains data from rbconex.dta
  obs:             8                          
 vars:             7                          9 Nov 2000 12:53
 size:           256 (98.5% of memory free)
   1. id        float  %9.0g                  
   2. y1        float  %9.0g                  1 y
   3. z1        float  %9.0g                  1 z
   4. y2        float  %9.0g                  2 y
   5. z2        float  %9.0g                  2 z
   6. y3        float  %9.0g                  3 y
   7. z3        float  %9.0g                  3 z
correlate y1 y2 y3

         |       y1       y2       y3
      y1 |   1.0000
      y2 |   0.9997   1.0000
      y3 |   0.9997   0.9998   1.0000

correlate y1 y2 y3, cov

         |       y1       y2       y3
      y1 |      600
      y2 |  593.571  587.554
      y3 |  592.143  585.982  584.696
correlate z1 z2 z3

         |       z1       z2       z3
      z1 |   1.0000
      z2 |  -0.5835   1.0000
      z3 |  -0.9997   0.5705   1.0000

correlate z1 z2 z3, cov

         |       z1       z2       z3
      z1 |      600
      z2 | -346.429  587.554
      z3 | -592.143  334.411  584.696
/* reshape into long format prior to running anovas */
reshape long y z, i(id) j(group)

(note:  j = 1 2 3)

Data                               wide   ->   long
Number of obs.                        8   ->      24
Number of variables                   7   ->       4
j variable (3 values)                     ->   group
xij variables:
                               y1 y2 y3   ->   y
                               z1 z2 z3   ->   z
tabdisp id group, cellvar(y)

          |      group      
       id |    1     2     3
        1 |   10    15    18
        2 |   20    25    28
        3 |   30    35    38
        4 |   40    46    49
        5 |   50    54    58
        6 |   60    65    67
        7 |   70    75    78
        8 |   80    84    87
tabdisp id group, cellvar(z)

          |      group      
       id |    1     2     3
        1 |   10    65    87
        2 |   20    75    78
        3 |   30    84    67
        4 |   40    46    58
        5 |   50    15    49
        6 |   60    25    38
        7 |   70    35    28
        8 |   80    54    18
table group, contents(mean y mean z)

    group |    mean(y)     mean(z)
        1 |         45          45
        2 |     49.875      49.875
        3 |     52.875      52.875

If we run standard one-way anovas for y and z we get identical F-ratios of 0.21. This is because the standard one-way anova does not take into account the fact that the observations within each subject are not independent.

anova y group

                           Number of obs =      24     R-squared     =  0.0200
                           Root MSE      = 24.3053     Adj R-squared = -0.0734

                  Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                   Model |      252.75     2     126.375       0.21     0.8091
                   group |      252.75     2     126.375       0.21     0.8091
                Residual |    12405.75    21      590.75   
                   Total |    12658.50    23  550.369565   
anova z group

                           Number of obs =      24     R-squared     =  0.0200
                           Root MSE      = 24.3053     Adj R-squared = -0.0734

                  Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                   Model |      252.75     2     126.375       0.21     0.8091
                   group |      252.75     2     126.375       0.21     0.8091
                Residual |    12405.75    21      590.75   
                   Total |    12658.50    23  550.369565 

We can take the dependence of the observations into account by including the subjects themselves in the analysis. We do this by including the variable id in the anova command. We also include the repeated option to display the conservative p-values and the covariance matrix.

anova y group id, repeated(group)

                           Number of obs =      24     R-squared     =  0.9998
                           Root MSE      = .429562     Adj R-squared =  0.9997

                  Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                   Model |  12655.9167     9  1406.21296    7620.77     0.0000
                   group |      252.75     2     126.375     684.87     0.0000
                      id |  12403.1667     7  1771.88095    9602.45     0.0000
                Residual |  2.58333333    14   .18452381   
                   Total |    12658.50    23  550.369565   

Between-subjects error term:  s
                     Levels:  8         (7 df)
     Lowest b.s.e. variable:  s

Repeated variable: group
                                          Huynh-Feldt epsilon        =  1.2972
                                          *Huynh-Feldt epsilon reset to 1.0000
                                          Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon =  0.9515
                                          Box's conservative epsilon =  0.5000

                                            ------------ Prob > F ------------
                  Source |     df      F    Regular    H-F      G-G      Box
                   group |      2   684.87   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
                Residual |     14
matrix list e(Srep)

symmetric e(Srep)[3,3]
           c1         c2         c3
r1        600
r2  593.57143  587.55357
r3  592.14286  585.98214  584.69643
anova z group id, repeated(group)

                           Number of obs =      24     R-squared     =  0.1239
                           Root MSE      = 28.1449     Adj R-squared = -0.4393

                  Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                   Model |  1568.58333     9  174.287037       0.22     0.9861
                   group |      252.75     2     126.375       0.16     0.8541
                      id |  1315.83333     7   187.97619       0.24     0.9684
                Residual |  11089.9167    14  792.136905   
                   Total |    12658.50    23  550.369565   

Between-subjects error term:  s
                     Levels:  8         (7 df)
     Lowest b.s.e. variable:  s

Repeated variable: group
                                          Huynh-Feldt epsilon        =  0.7668
                                          Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon =  0.6679
                                          Box's conservative epsilon =  0.5000

                                            ------------ Prob > F ------------
                  Source |     df      F    Regular    H-F      G-G      Box
                   group |      2     0.16   0.8541   0.7995   0.7688   0.7015
                Residual |     14
matrix list e(Srep)

symmetric e(Srep)[3,3]
            c1          c2          c3
r1         600
r2  -346.42857   587.55357
r3  -592.14286   334.41071   584.69643
Now the group F-ratio for y is 684.87 while the F for z is .16. Why the huge difference?

It is possible to express the degree of dependence within subjects using the intraclass correlation coefficient. The intraclass correlation measures the relative homogeneity within groups to the total variation. For the variable y the intraclass correlation is approximately .97. While for variable z the intraclass correlation is about -.32, which implies that the variability within subjects is greater than the variability between subjects.

The intraclass correlation can be obtained from a one-way anovas using subjects as the categorical independent variable. Here is the formula for the intrclass correlation,

anova y id

                           Number of obs =      24     R-squared     =  0.9798
                           Root MSE      = 3.99479     Adj R-squared =  0.9710

                  Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                   Model |  12403.1667     7  1771.88095     111.03     0.0000
                      id |  12403.1667     7  1771.88095     111.03     0.0000
                Residual |  255.333333    16  15.9583333   
                   Total |    12658.50    23  550.369565 
display "intraclass correlation = " (1771.88-15.96)/(1771.88+2*(15.96))
intraclass correlation = .97345604
anova z id

                           Number of obs =      24     R-squared     =  0.1039
                           Root MSE      = 26.6255     Adj R-squared = -0.2881

                  Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                   Model |  1315.83333     7   187.97619       0.27     0.9589
                      id |  1315.83333     7   187.97619       0.27     0.9589
                Residual |  11342.6667    16  708.916667   
                   Total |    12658.50    23  550.369565 
display "intraclass correlation = " (187.98-708.92)/(187.98+2*(708.92)) " truncates to " 0
intraclass correlation = -.32440747 truncates to 0
Most programs would report the intraclass correlation as zero if the computed value is negative. In Stata, the loneway command will compute intraclass correlation.
loneway y id

                      One-way Analysis of Variance for y: 

                                              Number of obs =        24
                                                  R-squared =    0.9798

    Source                SS         df      MS            F     Prob > F
Between id             12403.167      7     1771.881    111.03     0.0000
Within id              255.33333     16    15.958333
Total                    12658.5     23    550.36957

         Intraclass       Asy.        
         correlation      S.E.       [95% Conf. Interval]
            0.97346     0.01671       0.94071     1.00621

         Estimated SD of id effect               24.19313
         Estimated SD within id                  3.994788
         Est. reliability of a id mean            0.99099
              (evaluated at n=3.00)

loneway z id

                      One-way Analysis of Variance for z: 

                                              Number of obs =        24
                                                  R-squared =    0.1039

    Source                SS         df      MS            F     Prob > F
Between id             1315.8333      7    187.97619      0.27     0.9589
Within id              11342.667     16    708.91667
Total                    12658.5     23    550.36957

         Intraclass       Asy.        
         correlation      S.E.       [95% Conf. Interval]
            0.00000*    0.21362       0.00000     0.41869

         Estimated SD of id effect                      .
         Estimated SD within id                  26.62549
         Est. reliability of a id mean            0.00000*
              (evaluated at n=3.00)

(*) Truncated at zero.

Linear Statistical Models Course

Phil Ender, 25apr06, 11Nov00