Linear Statistical Models

Completely Randomized Design

Updated for Stata 11

CR-p -- Fixed Effects Model

  • AKA - One-way Analysis of variance, One-way ANOVA.

    Schematic with Example Data

    Levela1 a2a3a4Total

    Or in abbreviated form:

    Levela1 a2a3a4Total

    Where each Sj is an independent randomly assigned group of subjects.

    Linear Model

    The prediction model is where,

    Yij is the score for the ith observation in the jth treatment level
    Y'j is the predicted value for the jth treatment level and is equal to the mean of the group
    μ is the overall population mean (grand mean)
    αj is the effect of A treatment level j which is equal to μj - μ and is subject to the restriction that Σαj = 0 over j
    εi(j) is the error effect associated with Yij and is equal to Yij - μ - αj . The error effect is a random variable that is distributed NID(0,s2ε)


  • Hypotheses are stated in terms of the treatment effect, αj


    1.  The linear model reflects all sources of variation.
    2.  The experiment contains all the treatment levels of interest.
    3.  The εi(j) are independent of each other.
    4.  The εi(j) are normally distributed.
    5.  The εi(j) have equal variance in the population.

    Assumptions 1 & 2 are concerned with model specification.
    Because μ and αj are constants, the following holds

    ANOVA Summary Table

    SourceSS         df             MS                 F         p-value
    Between Groups49.0316.3337.500.0008
    Within Groups61.0282.179

    The ANOVA Summary Table may also look like this:

    SourceSS         df             MS                 F         p-value

    Table of the F-distribution

  • Between Groups = Treatment or use the variable name.
  • Within Groups = Error or Residual

    Expected Mean Squares

    Correctly Formed F-ratios

    Table of Group Means and Variances

    Std Dev1.510.931.042.12

    A Measure of Strength of Association

    Omega-squared (ω2) is the recommended measure of strength of association for fixed-effects analysis of variance models.

    From the Example:

          49 - (3)2.179
    ω2 = ---------------  = 0.3785
           110 + 2.179
  • Approximately 38% of the variability of the dependent variable can be explained by the independent variable, that is, by the differences among the four levels of the categorical variable.

    The following guidelines are suggested by Cohen (1989):

    By these guidelines the ω2 = .38 is very large, but this is because the example an artificial classroom dataset.

    In terms of the fhat index of effect size:

    These are very rough guidelines.

    Note: The fhat index of effect size should not be confused with Cohen's d index of effect size. The fhat index is derived directly form the ω2.

    Model for Orthogonal Coding

    G  X1  X2  X3
    1   1   1   1
    2  -1   1   1
    3   0  -2   1
    4   0   0  -3

    Stata Computer Example

    input y grp x1 x2 x3
     4 1  1  1  1
     6 1  1  1  1
     3 1  1  1  1
     3 1  1  1  1
     1 1  1  1  1
     3 1  1  1  1
     2 1  1  1  1
     2 1  1  1  1
     4 2 -1  1  1
     5 2 -1  1  1
     4 2 -1  1  1
     3 2 -1  1  1
     2 2 -1  1  1
     3 2 -1  1  1
     4 2 -1  1  1
     3 2 -1  1  1
     5 3  0 -2  1
     6 3  0 -2  1
     5 3  0 -2  1
     4 3  0 -2  1
     3 3  0 -2  1
     4 3  0 -2  1
     3 3  0 -2  1
     4 3  0 -2  1
     3 4  0  0 -3
     5 4  0  0 -3
     6 4  0  0 -3
     5 4  0  0 -3
     6 4  0  0 -3
     7 4  0  0 -3
     8 4  0  0 -3
    10 4  0  0 -3
    tabstat y, by(grp) stat(n mean sd var)
    Summary for variables: y
         by categories of: grp 
         grp |         N      mean        sd  variance
           1 |         8         3  1.511858  2.285714
           2 |         8       3.5  .9258201  .8571429
           3 |         8      4.25  1.035098  1.071429
           4 |         8      6.25   2.12132       4.5
       Total |        32      4.25  1.883716  3.548387
    display 2.12132/.9258201
    histogram y, by(grp) normal

    robvar y, by(grp)   /* W0 is Levene's test of homoscedasticity */
                |            Summary of y
            grp |        Mean   Std. Dev.       Freq.
              1 |           3   1.5118579           8
              2 |         3.5    .9258201           8
              3 |        4.25   1.0350983           8
              4 |        6.25   2.1213203           8
          Total |        4.25   1.8837163          32
    W0  = 1.292876   df(3, 28)     Pr > F = .29625408
    W50 = 1.037037   df(3, 28)     Pr > F = .39138742
    W10 = 1.292876   df(3, 28)     Pr > F = .29625408
    anova y grp 
                               Number of obs =      32     R-squared     =  0.4455
                               Root MSE      =   1.476     Adj R-squared =  0.3860
                      Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                       Model |       49.00     3  16.3333333       7.50     0.0008
                         grp |       49.00     3  16.3333333       7.50     0.0008
                    Residual |       61.00    28  2.17857143   
                       Total |      110.00    31   3.5483871 
    /* user written program -- findit effectsize */
    effectsize grp  
     anova effect size for grp with dep var = y
    total variance accounted for
    omega2         = .37854187
    eta2           = .44545455
    Cohen's f      = .78046067
    partial variance accounted for
    partial omega2 = .37854187
    partial eta2   = .44545455
    /* Tukey-Kramer pairwise comparisons */
    /* user written program -- findit tkcomp */
    tkcomp grp  
    Tukey-Kramer pairwise comparisons for variable grp
    studentized range critical value(.05, 4, 28) = 3.8613586
    grp vs grp       group means          dif     TK-test
      1 vs   2     3.0000     3.5000      0.5000   0.9581 
      1 vs   3     3.0000     4.2500      1.2500   2.3954 
      1 vs   4     3.0000     6.2500      3.2500   6.2279*
      2 vs   3     3.5000     4.2500      0.7500   1.4372 
      2 vs   4     3.5000     6.2500      2.7500   5.2698*
      3 vs   4     4.2500     6.2500      2.0000   3.8326 
    oneway y grp, noanova sidak bonferroni scheffe
                                Comparison of y by grp
    Row Mean-|
    Col Mean |          1          2          3
           2 |         .5
             |      1.000
           3 |       1.25        .75
             |      0.608      1.000
           4 |       3.25       2.75          2
             |      0.001      0.005      0.068
                                Comparison of y by grp
    Row Mean-|
    Col Mean |          1          2          3
           2 |         .5
             |      0.927
           3 |       1.25        .75
             |      0.427      0.794
           4 |       3.25       2.75          2
             |      0.002      0.009      0.085
                                Comparison of y by grp
    Row Mean-|
    Col Mean |          1          2          3
           2 |         .5
             |      0.985
           3 |       1.25        .75
             |      0.474      0.900
           4 |       3.25       2.75          2
             |      0.001      0.005      0.066
    /* regression with orthogonal coding */
    regress y x1 x2 x3
          Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =      32
    -------------+------------------------------           F(  3,    28) =    7.50
           Model |       49.00     3  16.3333333           Prob > F      =  0.0008
        Residual |       61.00    28  2.17857143           R-squared     =  0.4455
    -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.3860
           Total |      110.00    31   3.5483871           Root MSE      =   1.476
               y |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
              x1 |       -.25   .3689996    -0.68   0.504    -1.005861    .5058614
              x2 |  -.3333333    .213042    -1.56   0.129    -.7697301    .1030635
              x3 |  -.6666667   .1506435    -4.43   0.000    -.9752458   -.3580875
           _cons |       4.25   .2609221    16.29   0.000     3.715525    4.784475
    /* regression with dummy coding */
    regress y i.grp
          Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =      32
    -------------+------------------------------           F(  3,    28) =    7.50
           Model |          49     3  16.3333333           Prob > F      =  0.0008
        Residual |          61    28  2.17857143           R-squared     =  0.4455
    -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.3860
           Total |         110    31   3.5483871           Root MSE      =   1.476
               y |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
             grp |
              2  |         .5   .7379992     0.68   0.504    -1.011723    2.011723
              3  |       1.25   .7379992     1.69   0.101    -.2617229    2.761723
              4  |       3.25   .7379992     4.40   0.000     1.738277    4.761723
           _cons |          3   .5218443     5.75   0.000      1.93105     4.06895
    /* cell means using margins command */
    margins grp
    Adjusted predictions                              Number of obs   =         32
    Model VCE    : OLS
    Expression   : Linear prediction, predict()
                 |            Delta-method
                 |     Margin   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
             grp |
              1  |          3   .5218443     5.75   0.000     1.977204    4.022796
              2  |        3.5   .5218443     6.71   0.000     2.477204    4.522796
              3  |       4.25   .5218443     8.14   0.000     3.227204    5.272796
              4  |       6.25   .5218443    11.98   0.000     5.227204    7.272796

    Some Formulas

    Recall the linear model,

    The grand mean is the general level of scores,

    The treatment effect is the elevation or depression of scores due to the jth treatment,

    The error effect is unique to subject i in treatment level j,

    The above implies,

    From the prediction model (way above),

    Partitioning Sums of Squares

    Linear Statistical Models Course

    Phil Ender, 17sep10, 11apr06, 12Feb98